> foods, I am intrigued by the theory presented in "4 Blood Types 4 Diets."
> My blood type is O, which according to the author of this book, means I
> should include all meats in my diet.

Sorry for my uninformed opinion, but
I think that the blood type will probably
have only minor effects on ones nutritional
needs. We (Instinctos) are trying to choose
our food by heeding the advice of the body
instinct. And our experience is so far, that
the needs for food depend at least on weather,
activity and constitution (including genes and
blood types) and that these dependencies can
never be predicted by the intellectual mind;
the matter is much to complex. But the instinct
has been developed over millions of years and
it is able to determine the nutritional needs
very exactly. So IMHO, one best follows the
lead of the inner voice - it knows how to handle
natural food.
