>You are just witnessing what extreme protein, fatty acid, calorie,
>etc., restriction does to the human brain.  It's sad really.  The more crazy
>one gets, the more perspective they lose.  The closer one gets to killing
>themselves, the more they want to take others with them.  It's like
>mass cult suicide.  It's natural selection.  Take out the weak, and leave the

First of all, "Aaron", I'd like you to meet me so that you can decide if
I have an extreme protein, fatty acids and calorie deficiency, as you
say. And perhaps you'll find out who's the strong, and who's the weak.

Second of all, I want to put a challenge to all the big heads of this
list: Tom Billings, "Aaron", Peter Brantd, Kirt, and the others, to post
their picture on the net, to see what they really look like...healthy or
emaciated?  weak or strong? I'll do it...no problem.
So what do you think of my challenge, guys?