Dear Lisa,
My stay at Dr. Cousen's place was quite rewarding for different reasons than
I imagined.  When I arrive, I ate some fermented foods(not common for me)
and became quite ill for the next six days, losing even more weight and
energy.  During this time I could not hold anything.  On the sixth day I did
a short fast of about 36hours and everything was restored.  However, upon
returning to eating I felt that all of the restrictions I had placed on
myself where driving me crazy.  I also felt that my vegan days were over.  I
was never sold on the fact that I am healthy w/o animal products, my stance
was more environmental and ethical, however I compromised and now try not to
eat a lot of animal products, but some every now and then.

Also while staying there, I met these three older men(hippies from the
60's)who are organic farmers and very compassionate, amazing individuals.
They instilled in me an appreciation for hard work(labor) that I had not
really experienced up to this point. Cousen's place was scheduled to open to
the public the day I left and we were working on the dorms for the visitors.
We did all the landscaping and laid a flag stone path all around the
complex.  I don't think I really received a fair representation of the
place, but needless to say, I decided at that time, it was not where I
wanted to spend the next year.  I did not find a connection to the place,
and to most of the people including Dr. Cousens, but I did have a wonderful
time and I do hope that the place is doing well now(not sure what is going
on there).

I learned much from these individuals and we also went out to eat to two
amazing restaurants and I had the best time, being with them, and the food
was not an issue.  It was nice to be in a social setting again, something up
to that point that I hadn't been able to incorporate into my raw lifestyle
here in San Antonio.  So I learned how to survive in a society that has many
variables that make it whole and found some aspects of my life that helped
on my journey to wholeness.  The last night two of the guys were there, we
sat in a circle and they set up shrines of their prized possessions and each
one of them played an instrument.  It was the most beautiful experience of
my life.

I was no longer strict about eating raw, however I wanted to remain that way
as much as possible, knowing the extreme benefits I experience from this way
of life.

I have to go right now, but I'll talk more about my experience when I

ryan cormney

>Dear Ryan:
>   How was your stay at the Tree of Life?  Gabriel Cousins book was my
>foundation when I transited from vegan to raw-vegan 5 months ago.  I've
>been trying to order another copy from them, and can't get any reliable
>action on it.  Are they really in business?    Was it a healing trip?
>   would love to know about really conscious, balanced retreats.
>   Thanks, Lisa Walford