All this talk about bread has inspired me to post the following recipe from
Dr. Robert Marshall, a nutritionist in Los Angeles, CA. :  To order his
catalog call 800-370-3447.

Best, Peter
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                             Biogenic Flatbread
                               (Oil- Free)

Special kitchen tools:

1. To convert your kitchen into a quick and perfect food preparation place,
we consider the VitaMix TNC unequalled.  It is a special high-powered, easy-to-use
blender which has many time-saving features.  It can grind grain into flour
within 2 minutes; in a flash it can pulverize vegetables or fruits into
delicious sauces, soups, smoothies or drinks.
It is one of the handiest, consistently used tools that we use.

2. For efficient cooking, the best non-stick, non-toxic cookware we've
found is Royal Diamond.  Avoid using oils or fats to cook with.  When
heated, these oils become rancid. Fried oils are not part of a healthy diet.


1.  First, rinse the biogenic grain once or twice with purified water.

2.  Then, place the grain in a glass bowl and add enough water so that
there is about one inch of water above the level of the grain.  (the extra
water is needed as the grain drinks in the water and slowly expands.)
Cover the bowl and let it stand at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours.
You may want to rinse the grain once or twice more during this time.

3. After 12 to 24 hours, rinse the grain again.  Place the soaked grain in
a Vitamix or a regular blender.  Add 3 1/2 cups of water and 1 tsp. natural
sea salt.  Blend all the ingredients together for several minutes until the
batter is thin and creamy.

4. Pour pancake-sized amounts of batter on a non-stick skillet (such as
Royal Diamond.) Heat at medium temperature (flip once or twice) until the
batter is well-cooked.

5. Congratulations!  You've just made delicious hearty, biogenic flatbread.

What Is Biogenic?

Biogenic is "beyond organic."  Biogenic means that the food has been well
grown and not contaminated after harvest.  We have found that "organic
grains" are routinely contaminated after harvest by many factors; chemical
sprays during transport and storage; in-storage cleansing agents,
preservatives or unlisted additives to retard insect or bacterial spoilage.
 These contaminants are rarely listed on the label of the grains.  Many of
the storage sprays contain mercury, a known poison.  After much research,
we can no longer recommend commercial grains which are grown with
pesticides and also contaminated post-harvest with retardant sprays and
additives.  Go for biogenic - and eliminate chemical cuisine from your life.


If a food is heated over its critical temperature, "thermo-toxins" are
created in the blood of the person eating it.  The higher the food is
heated over its critical temperature, the greater and more violent the
thermo-toxic reaction takes place in the blood.  Of course, this is not a
reaction that you may outwardly feel after consuming highly heated foods.

What Is Wrong With Eating Regular Bread?

Regular bread is baked in ovens at high temperatures.  These high
temperatures are from 150 to 250 degrees higher than the "critical
temperatures" of grains.  Average baking temperatures are from 350 to 450
degrees F.  Because regular bread is heated so highly, it elicits a toxic
blood reaction after it's eaten.  Even well grown grains (such as biogenic)
will cause this toxic reaction if highly heated.  No wonder so many natural
doctors have declared, "You can't be well if you eat bread."

Healthy, Low-heated Food

The researchers found that the critical temperature of most foods ranges
around 200 degrees F.  So the bottom line is, if you eat food that is raw
or that has been low-heated (to boiling temperature, 212 degrees F., or
less), then little or no disturbing blood reaction will occur - and the
healthiest digestive response can take place.  The higher the temperature
of the food, the more violently your white cells will react; the more
immune stress is occurring.  Regular bread, baked at high temperatures,
provides violent reactions in the blood stream after it has been eaten.
Avoid eating bread.  Be kind to your immune system: enjoy making
low-heated, delicious, sprouted flatbread or grain dishes heated only to
boiling temperature or less.