It is always possible that you have an aberant CPU... however, since the
Cyrix chip runs Windows 3.1, 95 and 98 w/o any problems, and these programs
inherently are more top heavy, I would have to say that this is not a
problem for this chip.   However, something is obviously amiss, if the
computer will crash in DOS...   btw, what kind of programs are these?  What
is your chip set/motherboard?  is your ram matching?   is your bios
optimized for the Cyrix CPU?

Cyrix is notorious for having a slow, but functional FPU, however my
experience with their stuff has been completely w/o problems (from the cpu).

Frank B Smith
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Beechey <[log in to unmask]>

I have some DOS progs that simply will not run on my
CyrixP200+/Win95b, with any of the DOS settings, modifying
config,......even booting and running with a 6.20 disk, with the same
config and autoexec from my 486!

I'm wondering if the CPU is the culprit.... Anyone have similar

thanks in advance,

Michael Beechey, a Canuck in Sucre, Bolivia
"The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens"