Art Sauder <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I have a scanner that requires a SCSI II card. Am considering an upgrade of
> my motherboard to one that has an onboard UW SCSI controller. Can anyone
> advise me if the scanner that specs. call for scsi2 would work with this
> controller or would I need to add in a scsi 2 card.

The nice thing about SCSI is that the controller negotiates the best protocol
with each device. This means that you can mix narrow and wide, SCSI-2 and Ultra
SCSI on the same controller. The only restriction is that the total cable length
 is limited to to most restrictive type (Ultra SCSI right now).

I have an IWILL Motherboard with onboard Adaptec 2940U (not wide) controller. I
have an IBM Ultra SCSI disk, an IBM wide SCSI-2 disk, Archive SCSI-1 tape drive,
and Plextor SCSI-2 CDROM. Everything works perfectly.

Russ Poffenberger               Engineering Specialist
Schlumberger Technologies ATE   DOMAIN: [log in to unmask]
1601 Technology Drive           CIS:    72401,276
San Jose, Ca. 95110             Voice: (408)437-5254  FAX: (408)437-5246