<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Debi:

You have a tough road to haul with the extra food restrictions, (dairy,
etc.) I would recommend seeing a dietitian as soon as possible because
these sugars are running too high/too low. This should shed some light
on the diet and if your lucky maybe the dietitian has some connections
and can get you into an endo sooner.

Also, get your name on waiting lists for various endo's and if they
won't put you on a cancellation list - start calling them every week to
see if they have any cancellations. If you are persistent you should be
able to get in sooner.

I get overwhelmed with this stuff and I have a degree in nutrition.
My daughter is a cel/diab. and is 8 years old. The regimentation is
tough, but with the right guidance you can get through this. Hang in
there! Your daughter is fortunate to have a concerned mother. Not all
children are this lucky.

Also, after being on a celiacc diet for many years I can now and then
consume some dairy. That intestinal tract will heal and maybe her diet
restrictions will be less. There is hope!
