<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

OK, many of you, plus my ever-increasing sensitivities have convinced me: I
must find someone who knows what they are talking about.

Brief history is that I had negative blood tests a month ago and was told by
my general MD that I don't have celiac, so my symtoms (gas, cramping,
steatorrhea definitely related to gluten ingestion) aren't due to celiac and
to just decrease the amount of gluten I eat until I don't have symptoms.
Trouble is (and this is probably good in a perverted sort of way) the longer I
attempt to be GF, the more sensitivity I am having to smaller and smaller
amounts of gluten.  "Spices" seems to be a biggie, sigh, I will tell you that
Patak curry paste does not seem to be GF despite no mention of any possible
gluten on the label.  So the upshot is that I don't seem to be able to rest
easy with this wishy-washy non-diagnosis. It's bugging the heck out of me, so
I want to see someone who will take me seriously and find out what the heck is
going on.  (I've heard that everything from parasites to mercury fillings can
also cause gluten intolerance.  Don't worry, I'm cautious!)

I don't present as a "typical celiac" in that I have no diarrhea, and I'm
overweight (the pattern seems to be: the less gluten I eat the less hungry I
am and the more weight I lose).  Fatigue is my most distressing symptom, and
I'm feeling tons better already on that score.

I live in the Santa Cruz mountains (Ben Lomond) and am willing to drive a
ways, but I'd prefer not to have to go all the way into the city.  Palo Alto
is slightly over an hour from me, and that would be OK.  Santa Cruz would be

Of course, my insurance only covers certain people.  I got what sounded like a
wonderful recommendation (hi, Jane!) but he's not on The List.

Thanks thanks thanks for any leads -
