<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

      Hi everyone.   I noticed in the CSA guide that Tums are not
recommended for celiacs who are not in good control as the calcium
carbonate content can cause diahhrea.  My doctor recommended them for me
for a calcium supplement and I have been having stomach problems a lot
lately and I am going to be checked out again by my gastro. doctor.  I was
wondering if any of you have had problems with Tums.  I assume that they
are GF, as the guide did not state that they weren't.  The nurse at my
gastro. doctor's ofc. also recommended them for me and scoffed when I told
her what the guide said.  If you remember my question on laxatives a few
days ago, she's the one that recommended Citrucel and said to take "less"
when I told her that it has a trace amt. of gluten in it.  She also said
that I may have colitis, but recommended no followup  on that just come
back in three months for a routine checkup.  Does anyone else have colitis
and what do you do for that?  I have quite a few bowel movements,
especially in the morning and my stomach has been very sick.  Thanks.

Karen from Central NY, USA