Now we know Walker lived to 108, died, resurrected, died the next
year after being hit by a car, resurrected again, died at 117 after a
long walk (missed by a car), but that didn't take and he at last died
at 118, or was it 119?  His wife, poor thing, only died once at 98,
unless we've missed some tales.
   He was a strict vegan who ate goat cheese and occasional fish.
I doubt he was ever caught, like a breatharian, at a fast-food joint.
   As to longevity, Scott Nearing did quite as well, choosing to die
at 100, saying that was long enough.
   My brother Aesop says the story needs a moral, so let's borrow the
Russian proverb: Trust, But Verify.  But a man of so many lives needs
more morals, so Put No Trust in Raw Princes.                      Pet