I came across an interesting paper:


Readers will find there a strategy for how to kill a social movement, by
joining the movement and engaging in the behaviors listed. Notice that
all/nearly all of the (destructive) behaviors listed, are standard
practice for many raw food extremists (zealots, fanatics, the promoters
of crank science).

The reason I criticize such behavior is that it will ultimately harm the
movement. I encourage you to read the above and to examine the behavior
of the more extreme members of the movement. Some readers will refuse
to do so, saying they should not judge. Please note, however, that refusal
to judge, in the face of blatant misconduct is a form of denial.

Note that the site listed above is an animal rights site. That will interest
some readers, while turning off others. The article above is not specifically
about animal rights.

Tom Billings
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