Hi all,

Managed to fix the only hayfever bout I had this year ( this Monday
)(usually is terrible debilitating problem for me) with juice "fasting"
early in the day; did this for several days with mixture of fruits, plus
carrot and fresh garlic.  Then later in day after becoming hungry, I do
have some solid food.  Also am lately eating only fresh fruit, veggies,
sea veggies, fish and once in a while some brown rice; also everything
else is eaten only rare times or eaten very sparingly.  Am having "bad"
stuff once in a while like store-bot ice cream or frozenyogurt, with
extreme hot spells here (90 F a lot) it is atractive.  Mostly making
frozen sorbets at home tho, healthier, just don't always have time.
Made popsicles last week with blender mixed bananas, strawberry, honey
and powder vanilla - those were great.  (next project is a cookbook...)

Work is very stressful suddenly - extrememly busy, for me right now.  I
should probably do a few days wtih juice fasting starting immediately to
help my body and health.  Am thinking about starting tomorrow.  Have
overeaten recently and become fat.  ick.  Need moral support.

Walter Semerenko wrote:

> This inspired me to write a journal of my upcoming 7-day fast.  This week
> I'm drinking carrot/cucumber juice and eating some pineapple, grapefruit,
> apples, and pears, and drinking kombucha tea and taking occasional barley
> green powder.  I will post the journal on the list after I've completed my fast.
> If you ever decide on doing a fast, please post your experiences!

Recently, and for a few years, I have juice fasted any/every time I have
become ill, had an injury or become very stressed.  I have used the same
Champion for 9 years - it's a great one.  Usually I have only organics,
including carrots, apples, lemons, limes, grapes, some other citrus at
times, and garlic.  Citrus DOES juice OK there if you peel first.
Juicing other things are fine too, but less appealing so I'm trusting my
instincts on this one.

The experiences have always been positive.  I attribute the healing
qualities primarily to the digestion energies being freed to be directed
elsewhere.  Digestion consumes huge amounts of the body's energy.  On
the other hand, fresh juices have lots of nutrients, so that I m getting
stuff I need to heal.  I like lots of protein at times, so my recent
solution is to juice fast daily, early, and eat fish and seaweed later
in the day if I become very hungry.

The problem I'm having is that I'm working late hours lately, and then
want to eat after work.  This is like having an extra meal in the worst
part of the day.  So naturally I've gained weight.  I feel bad about
this whole thing.  Any suggestions, support very welcome.



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