>After reading what superior beings ex-veggers become, I assume
>everyone should first become veg, then renounce it.

I suggest that we not stop here but that we in our attempts to attain
spiritual enlightenment indulge in every vice under the sun before becoming
reborn and mending our wicked ways. ;-)

>That high status and ruthless self-examination seems so trans-human

Very witty :-) but we usually do get wiser as we grow older and are able to
transcend some of our self-imposed limitations.

>as to remind one of... vegetarians and raw-eaters.

You lost me here.  Most veggies or raffers do not seem very self-critical
to me.

>Or what goes around, goes round and round, dizzying the primate
>seeking a new self-importance, a new alpha status.

Our inflated sense of self-importance is ironic that is for sure. :-)
However, if the new "alpha status" becomes a spiritual trap, it will be
just one more challenge to be overcome before our number is called. ;-) As
a twist to the plot I might add that Kristen Aronson who wrote "Vegetarians
Who Return to Meat" is an ethical vegetarian herself, who believes that the
vegetarian diet is the optimal diet for man.

>And what transcends meat-eating raw? Dumpster diving? Or chocolate
That pretty much describes my present diet. ;-)  I think what is beyond RAF
is learning to tune in to the unique nutritional needs each of us have and
leaving dogmatic diet philosophies in the dumpster for the maggots. ;-)

Best, Peter
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