>>Huh? So Aajonus uses the particular multiple myeloma patient (who Peter
>>reported died) as his poster cure boy and then blames the death on
>>artificial cancer?!? This is what I mean about doublespeak.
>Woah, there Kirt.  Easy.  I never mentioned that these severe cancers had
>anything to do with the death Peter mentioned.  Why don't we make the
>"credibility problem" a little more interesting while we're at it, eh? Why
>don't we accuse him of a few other things while we're at it?

Take another look at it and see what you think is implied:


>>paragraph) whose improved blood work was instrumental in spurring Michael
>>Schachter's interest in=20
>>Aajonus' work died about six weeks ago as previously reported by me.=20

>Ben, has Aajonus made this widely known? Has he posted to your support

Kirt, yes, Aajonus told me this.  In fact he has explained to me that he
sees cases where cancers from artificial sources (chemical poisoining, for
example) grow at such astounding rates that nothing seems to affect their


It sure sounded to me as if Aajonus was explaining to you why the patient
died. Since Aajonus did tell you about the myeloma patient dying, perhaps
you could share his explanation of how someone that he had cured of the
cancer had ended up dying? (The stock answer is that he must not have
followed the program closely enough, eh?)


Secola  /\  Nieft
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