Hi Ben!!!

>> BTW, if Liza does come to your party, let us all know if she drinks any
>> wine, eh? ;) ;)


> Will do.  I'm having a hell of a time finding any organic wines manufactured
> without additional sulfites, though.  The best I could do so far was a $60/
> bottle Red Wine from CA.

Poor Guy!!! I don't know where you looked but I have quite A Lot of
Sources for Organic Wines both Imported and Domestic and if you drop me
an e-mail or call and I'll let you know where to get them.  Some of the
stuff I get they don't sell to the Public at Large though but I get it
and have it available to the Members of the different Groups I belong
to.  The reason that I can do it that way is because Private Groups
aren't considered the Public at Large and so the Rules are different;
plus because of different State and Federal Regulations I don't sell
anything but I do accept donations for the different things I carry so
I/we don't have to worry about all that stuff - Thank God!!!

Also, if you've read the other Messages I've sent on Olive Oil you'll
know what I have available there and the differences in Olive Oils.  In
fact, I have to place the order tomorrow so if anyone wants any the time
is running out.  I have till tomorrow afternoon and after that none till
next year.  Knowing me I'll probably order some extra so I'll still have
some available but it won't be as good of a deal as if you went in on it
with me - So Please Contact Me and let me know if anymore of you are
interested, I have a few but still not enough for a whole Drum which is
55 gals. - Not 55 girls but 55 gallons, just in case anyone was
wondering - :)!!!

By the way, for those of you who haven't read my Message on Olive Oils
and the differences it's really a Must Read because most People just
don't know the difference between the Green Unripe Olive Oil - which is
99% or more of what's out there - and Black Ripe Olive Oil.  My Message

Subject: California Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cold-Pressed from
Black Ripe Olives
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 20:45:54 -0700

I was going to post the Message on your List but didn't yet and also put
what I have on your Obtaining Live Foods Page -
http://www.odomnet.com/live-food/obtainin.htm - so that People finally
have a Source for these things plus what else I get like the Raw Goat
and Cow Cheeses etc..  From what it seems I'm one of the only ones I've
seen who's done much if any Research into these areas to find the Best
Sources and the more we work together on this the better it works out
for all of us because we get the Best Stuff at the Best Prices - :)!!!

Anyway Guy, just drop me an e-mail or a land line and we can talk and
I'll definitely be able to help you on your Quest for the Best in
Organic Wines, Olive Oils, or anything else you can think in your Quest
for Total Health for you and your Group.

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!