Hi Gregg!

I just read this email, and notice that it was directed to me. Sorry for not
answering sooner.

<< P.S. I really like you E-Mail Address >>

Thank you! ;>))

and I was wondering if you could use it on the list so we could now know you
more as you when looking for your Post. >>

I don't understand this. Isn't it used on the list already? What do you mean
know me more as me? I am new at cyber stuff so please excuse my dumbness.

<< Right now we see you as:

 LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]> and yet you end your Posts with
 [log in to unmask] (Liza May)

 Which looks better and so could you Post to the List like:
 Liza May <[log in to unmask]> or at least
 Life Force <[log in to unmask]> because it would look so much better. >>

I have no idea how to do this.  I think it all happens automatically with aol
and listserv or something.

<< I noticed that it's just you and Aaron who do this here but noticed that
just about ALL AOL Members do this because I guess that's how their Systems
get set up by Default on AOL. >>

Yes I think so.

<< It's really easy to change that in your Preferences and/or Options area >>

On aol there is no way to change your screen name. We have a preferences area,
nbut that is not one of the variables.

<< Thanks Again!!!  >>

Well.........your welcome..........but I'm not sure for what!!!!!!  ;>))

Love Liza