In a message dated 98-04-26 23:29:53 EDT, you write:

<< I genuinely don't see how Aajonus' fairly simple recommendations can
 >seriously "harm" people.

 Well, lets give rasberry mold to a thousand dolks and see what happens. >>


You don't seem to like Aajonus.  Is your concern that Aajonus is preaching
'the diet' to cure cancer, rather than telling people they need to develop
their own diet, etc.?  Is it his extremism?  Is it his 'cooked food is
poison', but I eat bread to calm me down lines?  Is it the wild stuff like
'eat rasberry mold, get sick for a month, and then you'll be better
recommendations?'  Is it his recommendation of huge amounts of raw dairy?  Is
it his $3000/week workshops? Or that his $29.95 Hardcover glossy covered book
doesn't tell people any of the downsides that they'll encounter?

I was surprised that he tells people to eat cooked food if they thrive on it.
That was new.

He does seem to speculate a lot, and then believe his speculations.

In what way is his diet different than yours, aside from the fact that you
don't tell people how to eat, or charge people to tell them how to eat? What
concerns you about his dietary recommendations, the mold and dairy, the RAF,
or the blind faith?

Just curious...
