Don Wiss wrote:

> Because undiagnosed problems with gluten are often behind neurological
> problems. One of the symptoms listed for Shy-Drager is cerebellar ataxia.
> That is one of the possible neurological symptoms of undiagnosed gluten
> problems. In Medline I find 26 articles on the connection between "ataxia
> and celiac" over all the database years (six in the past two years). Some
> of the other symptoms listed have a few hits when combined with celiac.

Thanks Don, I passed the info back to the Shy-Drager support group.  Perhaps one
of the monitoring doctors will take the hint and quit slavisly paying homage to
the drug companies by blindly prescribing yet more toxic chemicals.  This is an
example of the internet interaction that *may* make a difference.

Rex Harrill