Hi Kirt!!

<< Check out the venerable Dr. Science Smug Pack, just $29.95 (plus $3 US s/h,
$6 overseas). You'll not only help keep the Fortress of Arrogance and our
trusty e-mail service afloat, >>

Thanks Kirt.  This is totally great. I will check out the website immediately,
send away for all their produts as soon as I finish this email, and subscribe
to their newsletter without another thought. If it is a total scam, I figure
whoever they are they deserve all the money they can get.  ;-))

Thanks again - made my day!

PS I myself have always wondered about why shampooo is white. But I'm no dummy
- I KNEW the universe wasn't created on a Tuesday. (that guy Stephen must be
really dumb).

Love Liza