Hi Richard!!!

> would the person at address:  [log in to unmask]
> please check with their ISP - i got the following and cant email the
> juicers file to you

Why on Earth would you Post this here?  This is a Mailing List not
someone's Personal Address.  Hopefully you just made a mistake.

Also, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of seeing your "Juicers" Posts
everywhere all all they say is how you can't send the Bloody file. Since
you're using Juno I can only assume you don't have Internet Access and
aren't familiar with how to Zip a file first to compress it so someone
can get it in a nice small compressed form.  If you want to Post here or
to some of the other Lists you'll have to make sure it's of an
acceptable size and just break it down into parts.  You said on
Live-Food you didn't want to do this because:

> (not all lists had the same restrictions - i just dont feel like after
> all the editing, cutting and pasting - to do even more work)
> (im not breaking down the file into less than 500 - 600 lines per file

Well I've had to do that and it's not that much trouble if you have a
decent Text Editor.  If you would really like to get it on this List and
Live-Food just E-Mail me the File as an Attachment in Zip form and I'll
Edit it for you if it's really that much trouble for you to do.

Also, I know that Internet Access cost money but you can find companies
where it's under $100 for the whole year and that about $8.00 a month
and I think you could afford that and you might find that you'll like it
a lot better since you're no longer limited to E-Mail only but could
surf the Web and also Chat with People all around the World and actually
Talk to them for Free on IRC and using Voice Chat Programs.

If I sounded harsh it's because I see your name in ALL CAPS everywhere I
go and that's called SHOUTING and It's Really Annoying!!!  Your name
stands out wherever I go on the Raw Lists and if you'll notice you're
the only one that does it with their name and everyone else uses just
First Caps and it's a lot more pleasant and the Norm that way.  So if
you did it like that it would look like:

From: Richard Boettner <[log in to unmask]> instead of
From: RICHARD BOETTNER <[log in to unmask]>

and I think everyone else would be happier - At least I would!!! - :)!!!

The only other ones that use All Caps are:
From: LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]>
From: AARONLIFE <[log in to unmask]>

And hopefully they'll see this and change too.

I noticed Liza uses:
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)

at the end of her Posts so she just might not be aware or have really
thought about her ALL CAPS and SHOUTING name.

I hope I don't sound like too much of an Anal you know what but it seems
like you have a lot of problems with you Posting this Juicer Message and
I'm trying to just point out that you can do it without too much trouble
and you can ask for help if you need it and don't know exactly what to

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!