At 12:54 4/18/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any info on gall stones - the cause and treatment?  Thanks,
My Naturopath recommends the following fasting/cleasing procedure.  Haven't
tried it myself.
1. overnight gallstone cleanse
1 pint olive oil
1/2 pint lemon juice
ok to eat early breakfast.   Take enema or colonic after eating.   Fast
during the day until 2 hours before retiring.  Take 2 oz of oil and 1 oz of
juice every 15 minutes. Go to bed lying on the right side with a pillow
under the hips.  This will concentrate the 'brew' in the gall bladder.
Early the next morning when you have the urge to eliminate, the stones
should pass.

2. 3 day gallstone cleanse:
1st day: apple juice all day.  Before ging to bed take 1 c olive oil and 1/2
c lemon juice.
2nd day: enema in morning and then same as 1st day
3rd day: same as 2nd day.

3.  alternate cleanse:
2 days of only apple juice and on the third morning: take 1 cup olive oil, 1
cup lemon juice followed by a garlic enema.  When the stones are passed they
are usually a dark green or black in color.

Also do work on the reflexology gallbladder point -- on your right side,
about 2 fingers below the sternum you will find a tender point above the
breast.  Gently massage.
