In 1967, I broke a water fast on the 48th day so that I could attend
the Natural Hygiene Convention in Chicago that year. When I went to
register, someone announced that Dr. Vetrano from Dr. Shelton's Health
School had arrived. Expecting to see the great Dr. Shelton, whose
books I had been following on my at home fast, I asked about him and
was told that he would not be attending because he was too sick to
attend these conventions.  Supposedly he didn't come because he felt
that if people saw him, they would reject his message. Someone else
said that he really didn't follow his own diet. I don't think he ever
attended another convention.  I never found out when he had last
attended one. This was eighteen years before his death. No one said
exactly what was wrong with him and the reasons for his absence was
never formally mentioned at the convention.  Years later I heard that
he had Parkinsonism. I met a woman (I didn't ask her name) in Santa
Monica California in the early 90's who said that she had taken care
of Dr. Shelton until just before his death.  Hopefully others have
more specific information.
