<< Could it be that I've lost my aggressiveness due in part to nixing animal
products? ;)   >>

On the contrary, the 'tone' I thought I thought I was picking up through the
phone lines seemed more to me like a pretty agressive defense of the NFL-guys,
wether or not that was your intent.

I know that plant diets are supposed to make people more docile, and
fruitarian diets in particular are supposed to make people into the expression
of pure compassionate love.  But I certainly haven't seen that to be even
vaguely similar to the reality of how the self-avowed vegans or fruitarians
actually behave. In fact, if I was asked to describe my own perspective on
this issue, I would probably say that people who forego animal products tend
to act worse the longer they stay on the diet, that fruitarians seem to be the
most rabidly agressive of all, and that rational thinking and behavior appear
to have a direct negative correlation with the restriction of the varieties of
foods included in one's diet.  Have you noticed anything similar? Or have you
actually noticed that people that you know who eat animal products are more
agressive, as you hinted above? I'm curious about your actual experience, not
party lines.

Love Liza

[log in to unmask] (Liza May)