>Being raw doesn't bring me any shame just because
>there are promoters / plagarists in the community who have been judged as
>dishonest. I mean, if I had to live my life internalizing blame for every
>brutal event in Japan's long colonial history, I'd be a walking puss ball
>(actually I did exactly that for two years in Korea - not a lot of fun, let
>me tell ya!). Better I inform myself so that I can understand how others
>may perceive and respond to my racial background and let it go at that.

Seem like apples and oranges to me, Jo. NFL, etc is not national ancestry,
but present ideology--folks who claim to speak for rawists. While there is
no need to feel personal shame for being raw, NFL, etc bring shame to the
label rawist, and that may or may not be of concern to you.

Perhaps a better analogy would be the recent organic labeling "crisis".
Here we have a special interest group (agro-business) trying to make it
easy for themselves by taking control of definitions/ideologies (legal ones
in this case, but you can bet NFL would _love_ to have legislative power).
The rest of the organic growing community must stand up and be counted,
indeed fight for the meaning of organic (whatever that may be), if the
idealogy/definition is not to be stolen by the unscrupulous.


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