Greetings Aaron,

Aaron writes:
> RAW CONSCIOUSNESS needs to be raised, IMO, not just health consciouness,
> because people might think lo-fat doritos are healthy!  HEALTH is being
> misused by marketing people.  RAW cannot be, it's meaning already understood
> to mean, uncooked, natural, etc.

Really, RAW cannot be abused? What about those three marketeers running around
the country, charging money for speaking engagements to bring attention
to "their" book they apparently stole from a deceased relative, and making
extremest claims that have led to ill health to a growing number of people
who have tried to follow such advice in the past?

It is easy enough to say just ignore those zealots, but the way
marketers work, the extreme views are easier and simpler to push than
the pragmatic and feasible approaches - how many absurd advertising
stints have we been subject to in the past - marketers need to make
an impression to sell their products, not appeal to consumers sense
of praticallity. In such a light, I would have to agree with Tom's
pragmatic concerns for such a raw movement, though I can relate to
your sense of wanting to make a difference, and improve peoples
lives, Aaron.


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