In a message dated 98-04-04 15:12:13 EST, you write:

<<Some of the 'new' primates were seen sitting in front of a cathode ray
tub and enjoying the radiation. >>

If I sit long enough, eventually my body goes into a serious immune response,
hot, sweating, maybe in response to something 'bad', maybe just sitting, and
breathing, and writing, it feels good.

<< Would you like to describe your nutrition a little? >>

Raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, sprouts, sprouted garbanzo beans/homemade
hummus, bee pollen, raw honey, raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat (once), and
occasional raw goat's cheese.  Previously I was a 'fruitarian'.

Once I gave up my 'judgment' and adherence to particular boundaries and
ideals, or, once I gave up my over-controlling nature, (kind of had to, my
body was screaming), desires surfaced that were previously held down.  Hard
enough to find my way to raw food, who'd imagine I'd feel like killing to feed
myself!  AND feel innocent, a truly wonderful feeling!

The cheese is an interesting one, sometimes my body seems to want it, so there
must be something in it that's good, that it knows it can find.  I felt like I
wanted cheese, so I got goat's cheese since 'goat's milk' is supposedly better
for humans.  It does seem to produce mucus, but right now my body feels like
it's been starved for months, and now it's eating to replenish itself, so I'm
not interfering anymore with my 'cheese is unnatural' rules.

>From now on, no more arrogant Aaron, I let my body lead, and I watch to see
how well I interpret what it wants, to find out if it really wants what I
think it wants, so that I can learn how to best love myself.

Occasionally, when I feel like it, I'll also have freeze-dried sprouted grains
(Living Foods, Ultimate Meal).  I'm in a recovery mode right now, so ANYTHING
my body wants, I let it eat (I don't want cooked food), and then find out the

About a year ago I took a product called Pure Synergy, a freeze-dried
wildcrafted herb, grass, sprout, algae combo.  Last week I wanted it, so I
started taking that again.  Too early to tell, but the first day my immune
system seemed to go into healing mode.

My immune system was pretty inactive for a while, so while I'm not sure about
it's effectiveness, I'm taking it as a good sign.  Last year the effect it had
on me is what pushed me towards raw - it gave me such a noticeably superior
experience of life compared with cooked food (which I was having a harder and
harder time eating, and kept giving up food by food as I noticed the
compromise, until there wasn't much left to give up to go raw).

So far, I seem to be recovering well.  I'm really starting to love raw eggs.
