In a message dated 98-04-13 20:59:10 EDT, you write:

<<Become an Energarian and dispense with mere breathing....   >>

"I breathe for social reasons, and cause I like the taste of air.  But when
I'm alone, I don't breathe right before I go to sleep, and I probably don't
breathe while I'm asleep, but when I wake up first thing in the morning, I
breathe to get rid of all the toxins I built up over the night.  I'm still
detoxing from my Breatharian days.  I don't breathe when trucks go by, and
people with cigarettes get in elevators.  With air pollution on the rise, it
is imperative that all of humanity become energarians if we are going to
survive as a race.   I'm doing a workshop in which I'll train you to do just
these same things, it's only $500 for a two-day workshop.  We'll begin by
holding our breathe for a minute, and then work up to two minutes by the end
of the two day workshop. For those who wish to Master it, I offer a week-long
course in the Mountains of Colorado, $2500.  A cabin high in the mountains
surrounded by nature - 3 gourmet vegan meals a day.  And I'm available for
phone consultations at $75 an hour. And I also offer a set of tapes - Give up
Money and Let Life Take Care of You" for $39.95..."

"Oh yeah, well, even better, resist all energy, and enter the LIGHT!"

A woman walked into the elevator as I was holding a box of 20# white paper for
the printer.  She remarked, "20#?"  I said, "Yes, each sheet weighs twenty
pounds, this is very heavy."  She was stunned, "Wow!"  She never questioned

Then, I told her I was kidding.

I hope she learned a lesson.  Like maybe that she should think, and not


How close can we get to death without dying?

The Sick have visions all the time...
