RICHARD BOETTNER <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>this is the command i sent:
>        Search  RAW-FOOD * from 1997/01/01 to 1997/02/01

I just sent in that command, minus the extra space between search and
RAW-FOOD. In seconds I got back a 7K file listing the first 100 postings
that met the search criteria. To get the actual postings it had:

GETPOST RAW-FOOD 1560-1561 1563-1660

Do realize that as a Juno subscriber you cannot receive e-mails greater
than 60K. They will just disappear. That is why this list is set to kick
out a special digest when digest size approaches 60K. If you want to
retrieve one of the log files you have to issue a command like:

get raw-food log9701 split=50K

(Though I cannot find it in the manual to determine if the K is needed or
