Hi David!!!

Long Time No Hear from you!!! How are you?

> I have changed the subject line above to make it more obvious on
> searches. I don't use this search feature since it is so much easier
> to use the web interface at
> http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/raw-food.html

Me Too!!!

I guess the few People on Juno though would appreciate what you've done
though, and it's nice to know more about the E-Mail Features though
because who knows when they might become handy sometimes and in some

> I hope this is clear.  If anyone is still having problems or
> questions. please e-mail me and I will try to solve it.

It seems Pretty Clear to me!!! - Thanks for All your Great Work and Care
about the List - I Really Appreciate It And I'm Sure Everyone Else Does
As Well!!!

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!