Hi Stefan in Cologne!!

Its great to hear from you again!!

<< I remember a song titled "So many men, so little time". Is it this, that
moves you Liza? =:O >>

heh heh heh heh .......... no comment.  ;-))

<< If not, may I suggest the following activities: >>

Can't I have both? The above suggestion, and all the activities below, too? I
want it ALL!!!  And I want it RIGHT NOW!!! ;>))

<< - learning to compose a symphony for a whole orchestra >>

I've tried that.  It's hard.  I decided a long time ago that I am a better
performer than a composer. I love performing (its my life's work, actually),
and I think I have a talent for it.

<< - learning to fly a Boeing 747 >>

Wow - what a great idea. Oh God - now I'm going to be itching to do this,
dreaming about it day and night until I can.

<< - learning to play piano perfectly (or another instrument) >>

Definately one of my goals.  I'm on my way, but I have at least 500
instruments to go. These are great suggestions!!

<<  - learning how to hunt (v e r y    evil!) >>

I've been hunting for many years! Its tons of fun. I wouldn't have mentioned
it, but since I've been kicked off jr's list, again, anyway, I might as well
admit it ;-).

<<  - learning how to eat living oysters and other mussels (ouch!) >>

Haven't ever thought about this one. How is this done around the world? I've
been staying away from these fish, since they are coastal. Do you eat them? I
would love to if I thought they were clean enough. Does anybody else eat them?

<<  - learning to construct a big building in every detail >>

This is very awesome, imo. This is what Genie, my fiance, does for a living -
and all around Washington DC are huge buildings and humongous structures that
he designed from scratch. I'm very impressed. But of course I'm very impressed
with most everything about Genie. ;-))

<< - finding out how to communicate with animals >>

Another great suggestion. I think I do well with our cats and dogs - I make
their noises and they make mine and I think we have conversations about
important things like food and playing and love. Our birds call to me from
downstairs when I get up and move around in the bedroom, and they yell at me
and knock their toys around until I open their door so they can jump out of
the cage and sit on my shoulders and play with my ears as I do my morning
chores. Two times in my life, coincidentally when I was feeling very calm and
clear, wild birds came up and landed on my shoulder and outstretched arms ;-)
I used to stick my head out of the kitchen window and neigh and my beloved
Arabian stallion would come to the window of his stall in the barn and stick
his head out and yell back at me, and we'd carry on like that until one of us
or the other had something else to do. The other two horses would come to
their windows, too, just to watch and listen. (I didn't ever love them as much
- maybe that's why they didn't feel like talking). I can make great cow noises
- my kids say you can't tell the difference between me and a cow (the voice,
not the appearance ;-) ) but no cows have ever answered me yet.

Great suggestions, thank you!! Lots of fun answering them!

Happy Holidays to everybody!  Today we're going to an Easter dinner, and then
a Passover Seder.  I have a 22-pound turkey in the oven, two huge roasts to
bake, two  potato kugels I baked at 2 a.m., and it all smells and looks
totally gross to us (we just stuffed ourselves on mangos). We're both still
sitting here with our faces painted white, with black whiskers and pink bunny
noses and and on our heads huge ears made out of tall white athletic socks on
coat hangers. At dawn we delivered Easter baskets to children relatives, and
made total fools of ourselves hopping around in front of the adults.

Lots of Love, Liza

[log in to unmask] (Liza May)