HI Richard,

> from what ive read - eating raw is treated as a kind of cure all and
> sounds good but lets take someone that has arthritis and or serious sinus
> problems

My mom had arthritis for many years.  After studying Chinese medicine
for a while and having a small practice, I realized that food is really
important in health, much more so that most people can imagine.  And
you're right.  People usually cannot jump into a new routine

> what about also using herbs or homeopathy to help the body begin it
> journey towards health and make it slightly more comfortable than just
> quit everything (too much cooked food, liquor, smoking, ect) and go cold
> turkey and lets just suffer thru detox until we are well

I've used herbs to help people feel better.  Fresh and raw is best, but
dried is second best.  Pills are the worst, I believe.

> so what do people think - what stages would you recommend for someone
> rather than cold turkey - so that it becomes a good experience moving to
> a more raw food diet, rather than an unpleasant...

Fresh and/or lots of raw is the ultimate goal for improved health, I
believe.  I don't eat all raw, but I eat MOSTLY raw and I believe that
is in part what has improved allergies (hayfever) and other irritating
ailments that haven't bothered me so much this year.  For those not
ready to do that, I recommend lots of fresh raw organic juices (fruit
AND veggies), cooked soup with dry beans and whole grains (millet, brown
rice or oat-groats) for protein, sea vegetables and fresh fish
(non-shellfish) especially if they have chronic arthritis and other
painful problems.  Get rid of the processed and non-fresh foods and
foods from flour.  That's a good start.
