I take all my old stuff to Goodwill, provided I have documentation, the system
still works, and it is loaded with at least DOS, so when they turn it on it actually
does something!  They auction them (they prefer cash!), probably in large lots,
and won't bother with anything that has trouble attracting bids. My last donated PC
was a 2 meg RAM 386 with DOS 6.22, DOS Lotus 123, and DOS Wordperfect 5.1,
all complete with diskettes and manuals.  You get a nice tax deduction,
and one man's junk is another man's treasure.....After I cleaned them up and
put new ribbons in them, they took all my dot matrix printers too.  It helps if you
have original boxes and manuals and stuff.
I actually saw an article in a local paper asking people to stop bringing junk in, and
they specifically mentioned IBM 8086 PC's, which are still emerging from garages
and attics in surprising numbers!
Tom Turak
[log in to unmask]

You can try a local school or a church.  Some places will take just about

Dale Bryant
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

> Any suggestions on where to donate an 80286? I hate to just junk it. I'm
> in Massachusetts.