Well folks, I'm about at the end.  This was a great list when Grant set it
up.  The people on the list were actually doing the diet, and were looking
for support in how to do it, rather than arguing every possible facet of it
as though being dragged kicking and screaming into hell.  Rather than
arguing about everything BUT the diet.  So I'm unsubscribing.

Now the list is full of people who not only insist on posting messages
recommending diets/foods outside the scope of this diet, but we're even
actually arguing about Linda McCartney's death.  Listen:  if people want to
think that grains are a-ok, and that Linda's diet couldn't have had
anything to do with her early demise, LET THEM.  For in this world, one
thing is true:  you will never convince anyone of anything they do not
already suspect is true, especially if they think they are right.  There
are a lot of granola people on the list now.  People who think that grains
really aren't so bad.  That vegetarianism is the way to go.  People who are
probably sickly, full of allergies, emaciated, have no energy, but still
you will never convince them that their diet is responsible.  Why?  Because
they think they have the moral high ground.  No one will ever change the
mind of anyone who thinks they have the moral high ground.  Well, folks,
that's way off topic for this list... and that's how I feel about most of
the posts lately.  And so my (rhetorical) question to these folks would be:
 why the hell did you have to come here and torpedo a perfectly good
mailing list?

This was a great list.  I'm really sorry to see it go (but I honestly feel
like it's already gone).  I'm really sorry I have to go.  But the more I
read, the more infuriated I get.  Good luck people, and those of you who
have corresponded with me personally in the past, you know where to find
me.  And to the new folks, PLEASE read the book.  (In fact, if this was my
list, I would make it so that people would have to say that they've read
 the book before subscribing.  Then they could at least discuss the topic
with half a clue.  And if they showed that they'd lied about reading the
book, they'd get removed.)  Don't listen to advice from people who just
came here from the Juice list or the Lowcarb list or the Vegan list or the
Raw Iron Ore list or whatever with an agenda change our minds because,
after all, they're right and we're wrong.  Get Neanderthin from Ray
(http://www.sofdesign.com/neander), read it for yourself, and then you'll
have an idea what's going on.  (I mean, jeez, it's only $12 bucks.  Come
on.)  Read whatever you can on the topic; public libraries are a place to
start.  The problem here is that there are people on this list who have no
earthly idea what a paleo diet even is, yet they are spouting (sprouting?)
advice and opinions.  And I'm too disgusted to try to stick around and do
anything about it.

Take care,
John Pavao