I, and many others, subscribe to this list because of a problem that I
personally have with milk.  The majority of people do not have my problem,
or a similar one.  Dairy products are not harmful to them.  Most children
can drink milk without any problems.

Peanuts can be deadly to some people, I eat them without any problem.
Peanut oil is mono-saturated, and a healthy source of fat.  The same can be
said for fish oils, although vegatarians avoid them.

In the USA, many physicians, as can be attested to by people on this list,
are not knowledgeable about milk protein allergy, and or intolerance.  Many
physicians are not very knowledgeable about nutrition. However,  we still
need the medical community to maintain high health standards.

Dr. B Spock made a name for himself in the area a bringing up our children,
     ( although  many feel that his theories did more harm than good).  He
had no expertise in nutrition.

Simon W Hecht