<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

> But it has always been my understanding that yeast comes from wheat.

In order to avoid a lot of confusion, allow me to jump in and make a
quick comment on this subject.

Most yeast in the US is GF.  It can use wheat in the process and for
that reason, it is a good idea to routinely check your local brand.

Because of their research in GF bread making, I always make reference
to Red Star Yeast when asked for a brand.  Since it is not available in
all locations, they still lend a helping hand to all celiacs. If you ever
need any help with bread making call them at 800-4-CELIAC.

Michael Jones ([log in to unmask]) Orlando, FL USA
Visit the Celiac WEB site at: Http://rdz.stjohns.edu/lists/celiac