<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,

I asked a few weeks ago if people were finding that they responded less
fully to medications than non-celiacs.  First of all I asked my GI about
this and he said it was possible but unlikely and also that different
meds absorb in different places of the gut, so it might depend on what you
were taking as to whether it might be malabsorbed. Several clinic GP's
have told me it is a possibility. The list responses I got were these:

-decreased absorption of opiates/tylenol for migraines, also bad reaction
to medications used during surgery (opiate malapsorption reflected by drug
taking longer to work than for other people)

-non CD spouse can get by with half the meds of CD spouse

-celiac child doesn't respond as quickly to antibiotics as non-celiac

-novocaine has to be reinjected every 10 minutes during dental work as it
wears off quickly

Specific solutions to migraine included Imitrex nasal apray or injection
as this bypasses the gut *** don't know if Imitrex is GF

I've had all of the above happen with meds. I usually need at least 2
shots just to get a filling started at the dentist (can't explain this as
it's subdermal and not gut absorbed). Both tylenol and imitrex (oral) take
longer to have an effect. Antibiotics unless taken in injectable form
(some but not all are available in Canada, mostly in ER) don't have much

I had several suggestions for causes of migraines (thanks!) but I won't
post them here as they aren't directly CD related (except mine can be
brought on by eating gluten esp MSG). There is an online migraine
news group if anyone wants more detail on headache treatments. It's under
alt.support.headaches.migraine and discussions run from older rememdies to
the newest.

Just a note, the above info came from 5 separate posts, so it's not an
extensive survey, but interesting as a possibility.

Thanks again to everyone for suggestions and info!

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