<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Gosh, thanks for all the WONDERFUL advise. I will post summaries and reply to
individuals when I get out of crisis mode. So far, I think allergy sufferers
and celiacs are some of the nicest people I've met. Your responses and
suggestions were great and prompted a few more thoughts and questions to

I forgot to mention, I'm in central Illinois about half way between Chicago
and St. Louis so either city is very accessible. I started the diet (GF/CF)
about six weeks ago about the same time we started weaning him from Depakene,
an anti-seizure drug. He was never having external seizures but I thought
these (much more subdued before the Depakene) crying episodes might be related
to some slightly abnormal EEG activity. He never had these attacks during the
four months on Depakene. I recently found out that neuro-epileptic drugs
produce peptidase which helps break down the proteins. It's also an anti-
inflamitory I believe. Anyone ever had experience with anti-seizure drugs? We
started zantac this morning which seems to have helped him tremendously (at
least he's a lot different than the last week). Anyone have experience with
this drug? It's so valuable to me to hear how these things feel from others
who have experienced them since I have never had any food problems and my son
can't talk or understand language. Thanks also for all your well wishes and
prayers. I think we can get through this but I know it wont be easy. A few
last questions then I'm heading out of town so they can "de-allergize" my
house while we are away.

1. Can anyone recommend good skin/hair care products for highly allergic kids?
How about household cleaning products?
2. We want to take the carpeting out of his bedroom but don't know what to
replace it with. It seems everything has glues or finishes that I'm afraid
will set him off. Suggestions?
3. Can anyone suggest a good compounding pharmacy familiar with celiac needs?
Most compounding pharmacies do mail order so it doesn't really matter where if
in the US.
4. Anyone know a good pediatric GI who believes in "leaky gut." I've gone to
two now who don't really put much merit in it.
5. I think the best option for me to try is a rotation diet. I tried the
elimination diet (basically he's been eating nothing but rice bread, cashew
butter and organic french fries for 10 days). Now I'm guessing he's reacting
to the rice and potatoes too since his gut is so leaky. I need to find some
foods to rotate (already reacted to chicken, corn, soy, vanilla, cinamin,
bacon, salmon, beef, peanut butter and he refuses any fruits or vegetables)
and a good book on rotation diet. Suggestions?

Sorry for so many questions. I'm new and in a crisis. Trying to learn all I
can in as short a time as possible so I don't loose my marbles....Thank you