On Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:11:28 -0500,  Helen E. Luther wrote:

> Want to remove program from executing when Windows 95 boots... where are
> all the places I should look?


From a previous posting, I copied the following information (thanks
to Mark Rode for the original post):

 (1) the startup folder (in c:\windows\start menu\startup)

(2) the load= and run= lines in win.ini

(3) The Run, RunOnce, RunServices and RunServicesOnce keys under

(4) The Run and RunOnce keys under

(5) subkeys under

(6) the [386enh] and [boot] sections of system.ini

(7) the IOSUBSYS folder (drivers load automatically)

(8) The config.sys, autoexec.bat and winstart.bat files

The win.ini, config.sys, autoexec.bat, system.ini and winstart.bat
files you can run edit to make changes to these files.  Somebody else
here can help you with the registry editing.


Holli Van Nest