At 03:54 PM 3/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
> ---snip--
>Here is the issue (finally!)   In each of these documents Microsoft says it
>"confirms this to be a problem in W95.  An update to address this problem is
>now available (the ones above), but it has not been fully tested and should
>be applied only to systems with this specific problem.   Unless you are
>severely impacted, Microsoft does not recommend implementing this update at
>this time"
>So, I' m stuck, install the update or not?  Am I "severely impacted"?
Yeah, I'd say you were "severely impacted."  I'm running two Maxtor 8.4GB
drives in my
machine (ABIT TX5 motherboard, K6-233, 128MB RAM) and haven't seen that
level of fragmentation at all, and mymachine rarely hangs (except once in a
while at shutdown). Of course, I don't have either drive partitioned, since
I reformatted them with FAT32.  I'd have to say your problems may have
something to do with the partitioning.  Maybe you can try reducing the
number of logical drives?

By the way, are you using bus mastering drivers to get the Ultra-DMA

Ray Reyes

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