Jean-Louis Tu wrote:

> 4) I don't believe that the attraction to sweet fruits is a symptom of
> detoxification. Remember (see Tom's comparison between wild and cultivated
> fruit) that modern fruits are artificially high in sugar, which explains
> our abnormal attraction to sweets. All humans at any age are attracted to
> sweets, even young children...

I'm a newbie to the list.  I'm also a small farmer who grows fruits and
veggies.  That last phrase is absolutely the truth, but if modern fruits are
truly artificially high in sugar, I missed the boat.  I'm firmly of the
impression that all of fruitdom struggles to get the Brix higher even as most
farmers use NPK salt fertilization practices that push sugar down by their
very nature.

Would someone be kind enough to help me find "Tom's comparison"?

Thank you,
Rex Harrill