
>Kirt, it seems that you are jumping in in the last weeks only for having
>a cheap joke at the expense of others and to write something negative
>about instinctive eating. :-( Well, if that is your mood again - nega-
>tive and depressive - then I wish you'll recover soon.

Now, now, Stefan, here we go again. I make a few sarcastic jokes and I am
therefore negative and depressive. ;) Perhaps some of the humor is getting
lost in the translation. Yet my "views" on stop tricks hasn't changed since
the last time we had a similar thread some months (a year?) ago. Perhaps
you'll just have to get used to me offending the instincto Gods once in a
while, eh?

And in my own defense, my last posts have been a thank you, a bit about
spam, a "yes, I am reading you" to JL, a bonus guru story, a messed up NFL
plagiarism post, musings about the origins and possible utility of cooking,
my experience with coconuts, a question about the politics of the next
"SF-Life" Expo, etc etc. Doesn't sound at all to me like cheap jokes or
negativity. Perhaps there's nothing worse than an ex-instincto around
questioning tidbits like tumors and the utility and deeper meanings of
fruit skin consumption, but, golly gee Ms Molly, negative and depressive?
You're off by a mile, or a kilometer at least ;)


PS--Mike, I am enjoying your experiencial posts greatly--thanks for sharing.