>I find myself full of mucus, I have a runny nose after eating certain foods
>and in the morning all I have is water for about the first hr or two.  What
>is the best way, while I work and go about my days, to detect and get rid
>of this runny nose of mine and the mucus that comes up during the day?  So
>what is a gradual...way to clean my system out/up?.... I try  to eat lots
>of fruits-bananas, oranges, tangerines, apples and vegetables-cucumbers,
>carrots, cauliflower, celery and sometimes at nite I eat some soup or baked
>potato. I no longer eat 2-3 hrs. before going to bed and try to fast for a
>full 12-14 hrs from nite to morning

What you describe is a pretty good detox diet, or a calorie restriction
diet.  You should be experiencing the mucus discharge. You have not
mentioned any colon support.  Natural dogma, and I think it accurate here,
is that the intestines will discharge the majority of the toxins and mucus,
so aiding the colon during  detox is considered approitate. My preferred
method was the gradual detox method. For about 9 months I had noticeable
detox symptoms, yet without any detox crises.  I prepared and consumed fresh
organic vegetable juices for breakfast and lunch.  For dinner I sometimes
had a good raw choice, sometimes a misc. junky food choice. I also used for
about 9 months a  psyllium based colon cleaning system
and liked the results. There are other colon cleaning methods, of course.

Keep in mind the diet you described is good for detox.  In the mid/long term
such a diet would seem to be lacking in B-12, zinc, calcium, possibly low in
protein and essential fatty acids.  Its even low on greens which are high in
calcium,contain some protein, aid detox and aid rebuilding and blood
oxygenation- not a bad deal for a $1.49 head of organic lettuce.

Mentioned that you are adapting your diet to your lifestyle and workload.
That is always a good consideration to have in mind.

Best of Luck
Roy Siegel