Hi Kirt,

<< [Hey aren't you instinctos supposed to be handling this kinda post? Or does
 the raw goat's milk scare you away? ;)] >>

What would be so scary about raw goat's milk? The dairy? The high fat? Goats?

 << Strange by our cultural standards maybe, but HIGHLY nutritious attractions
 you're having, no? >>

Yes, nutritious, it's just that......welll........I'm enjoying eating these
things SOOOO much - there's got to be SOMETHING wrong! ;-)  Isn't there SOME
reason I shouldn't be eating them??? ;-))

<< Fatty seafood is considered to be useful in detoxing dairy. (Fruit is
supposedly more for detoxing grains.) >>

Very interesting. I guess I ought to finish Burger's book, if this is where
theories like this are found. Is there any attempt at a biochemical
explanation for why one food would detox another? Or Is it mostly based on
lots of personal stories? I guess I'll check the archives for discussions
about instinctive eating.

Detoxing dairy? Well I certainly ate huge quantities of both raw and
pasteurized cow's milk in every form conceivable all throughout my childhood -
we were raised on dairy. And about 4 years ago a RAST test indicated that I am
allergic to it. It's been many many years since I've eaten any cow's milk in
any form,  so I was surprised to see these results (RAST tests are not very
reliable). But maybe that's why I'm enjoying the mackerel so much. Very
interesting! Thanks for the info!!

<< Personally, I had some _really_ cheesy shits during my honey days which
correlated exactly with my pound or more consumptions of honey.>>

Do you mean cheesy smell? Or appearance? Are you saying that you think that
honey also detoxes dairy? If so, that would also explain my great interest
(these are polite terms ;-))  ) in honey. And if your theory about raw dairy
detoxing cooked has anything to it - then my current food interests would
certainly indicate that I am on a personal mission to detox dairy like its
never been detoxed before in the history of civilization.

One most definately peculiar thing is that I seem to have developed a lot of
phlegm in my lungs and mucous in my eyes (my eyes seem to be just oozing for
no reason). I never ever ever get colds, flu, or any viruses at all. I can't
remember the last time I was sick with anything. And I don't feel the least
bit sick now either - and yet I have this strange new mucous.  I don't know
whether to think that all the quantities of dairy I'm eating is _causing_ the
fornation of excessive mucous, whether its some sort of allergic reaction, or,
whether this is an elimination of toxins in some way. It's a surprise to me.

I was a smoker 20-some years ago - so, could this be some elimination from my
lungs? Who knows!!.  And as a child I was famous in my family for ALWAYS
having conjunctivitis (a mucousy discharge and inflammation of the eyes -
might be called "pink-eye" - I think its a contagious virus). So maybe that's
the eye discharge. But again, - who knows!

<< I understand (but don't appreciate really) your worries about honey, but
what's wrong with mackeral and/or raw goat's milk? Nutritional powerhouses

I think I'm just not accustomed to eating this way - in other words, such a
lack of variety. I keep thinking I should try to eat other things. But now
that I'm trying to pay attention to what I am actually interested in, instead
of eating what I "think" should be the healthiest diet for my needs, I'm
finding that not very much looks appealing. It's an unsettling feeling. But
mackerel, goat's milk and honey SURE LOOK GOOOOD. YUMMMM!!  I'M DROOLING

<< Further, if you are getting away with any mixing of the fish, milk, and
honey at the same meal it is a good guess that you are really "needing" it
since they are theoretically a bad mix. >>

Not at the same "meal," but a few hours later I'll want a different one of the

<< And BTW, a feeling of repleation IS a stop and you are right not to eat any
more. Someone once said that if you are even thinking about a stop, that
that's a stop because when a food is really tasting good you are enjoying it
en todo. If the pleasure isn't high enough that you are wondering, is this a
stop, is that a stop, then you've had enough ;) >>

This is very helpful Kirt. The phrase that comes to mind is "Oh - in other
words I should just trust my instincts."  That seems embarassingly stupid for
this conversation.  Now the phrase that comes to mind is "Na... Duh."

<< I, of course, ate any new food to a stop and then ate some more to make
absolutely sure it was a stop--you only do this once with any particular food.

;-))  You sound like a happy instinctive glutton. ;-)

<< Sit down with a couple bunches of celery and an empty stomach and if you
 don't get a stop...well, what can I say, you're an instincto flunky then ;)

I must have an instincto graduate degree, because I'm getting a stop just
thinking about celery. Uugghh.

Kirt, thanks for this most enlightening (and actually supportive, and
exciting) reply. I'm off to pick up 12 more pounds of honey from my bewildered

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)