Hi Ellie,

>who knows? Stefan, if you get at stop after eating a fruit with its
>skin, and then you taste some of the inside fruit, does it taste bad?

No, at least I don't remember an occasion. If eating avocados together
with the skin and I get a stop I can cheat by omitting the skin from
then and eat until the inside gives the next stop. I wonder if this is
natural behaviour??? At the first stop I decide whether to go on. If
there is satisfaction the meal is finished else I will continue with
the inside, he he. :-)

>But, in truth, I can't stay away from oranges, pineapples and
>cherimoyas right now and I probably need to try the skins.

And I can't stay away from pampelmusen (original version of grapefruits)
and honey melon since   m o n t h s. They are simply the best for me
right now and they are in season as are pineapples and cherimoyas. This
I think is natural: having a need for the foods that are in season.

Seasoned regards,
