Stefan Joest wrote:

> It has become a habit of mine to always try the skins of fruits and
> vegetables and eat it if it feels good. The same for the allegedly
> toxic seeds.
> Examples:
> - avocados with a thin skin taste very nice if eaten completely
> - rambutan is good together with its seed
> - grapes together with the seed stop earlier than without and
>   it is a terrible task to get/spit the seeds out
> - bread fruit can be good together with its skin
> - the same for kohlrabi - peeling is time consuming and difficult
> - watermelon is almost always luminous together with the seeds
> This all requires that the skins are untreated of course.

In fairness to Instincto, I would think those urangutans I watched eating
 fruit probably ate some of the skins along with the fruit. Whether they
then picked up a banana, thew out all the skin, and only ate the insides,
who knows? Stefan, if you get at stop after eating a fruit with its skin,
and then you taste some of the inside fruit, does it taste bad?

I would like to ask Mike if he meant there is some connection with eating
a lot of sweet fruit, figs I think he said, and a need for the body to
detox what was previosly eaten? Could you explain this.

My best, Ellie