I got this from another list:


The new book "Raw Courage World" written by co-author of "Nature's First Law:
The Raw-Food Diet" R.C. Dini is finished and will be shipped out this week to
all of you who placed a pre-order with us. All others interested in obtaining
a copy, here are the details:

Booklet: "Raw Courage World" by R.C. Dini (110 pages, 8-1/2" X 11") -- Buy the
book that actually dares you to read it. Do you have the courage it takes? Raw
Courage's startling voice speaks like a clap of thunder covering issues only
before discussed in quiet tones and hushed whispers. Expose your mind to
information never talked about so intently and find truth that can't be found
elsewhere. The author smiles broadly and laughs at the cooked-food world as he
smashes all of its ridiculous lies. "Raging unseen," the author explains,
"Nature pits its forces against all unnature and wages a raw war it cannot
lose." R.C.'s writing style flows like a meandering stream. With the
conviction of rushing waters, all doubt will be washed away. See the world
through the eyes of Raw Courage Dini. For 3 years, this booklet-in-progress
was only available to the true devotees to Nature's First Law. Uncut and
uncensored. $17.95 + $3.00 shipping

To order, email [log in to unmask] or call 1-800-205-2350

What people are saying about "Raw Courage World":

"Raw Courage World" makes all the other raw-food books I've read look like
kindergarten! It's going to shock the hell out of a lot of people!" -- S.A.
(3-yr. raw-foodist)

"Pure entertainment; I loved every page of it. I couldn't stop laughing!" --
J.B. (15-yr. raw enthusiast)

"The book is very emotional; one moment I would be very angry, the next moment
I would be hysterically laughing, the next moment I would be crying. I felt
just about every emotion there is while reading this book. An outstanding
work." -- E.H. (raw-food mother of three)

"This is Nature's First Law's new book? Oh My God! I'm speechless. The back
cover is superb! 'Aaaaa-pple'...I love it!" -- D.M. (1 year all-raw)