Nieft / Secola wrote:

> Ha! Ellie, I can go one further. I learned how to juice oranges from
> monkeys living freely around a temple in southern Thailand--they peeled the
> citrus, chewed and sucked on the pulp and then spit it out. Must be too
> stupid to know about Burger's ideas on instinct, eh? ;)
>I juice everthing including Beefalo meat. If any non-fringe eaters (I confess
to being a fringe eater) came to my home, they would leave in disgust. I'm
planning to set my table with no utensils, distilled water bowls for dipping
dirty fingers, and decorative bowls with covers for spitting out the skins
and other junk, and I'm going to give lessons Emily Post style on how to eat

But, in truth, I can't stay away from oranges, pineapples and cherimoyas
right now and I probably need to try the skins.

My best, Ellie