OK, Rex, between your posts and the chats I've had with an organic
grower friend of mine a couple years ago, I'm about ready to pop for a
refractometer. Perhaps you can steer me in the right direction for a
mail-order source? And does a gizmo usually include the charts or is
there a separate source for those?

And while we're at it, can you recommend a source of reading material
for a beginning orchardist. We are moving onto six acres in June and
will be developing it. The permaculture stuff leaves me a little cold
overall. As does Steiner--though you may dig either one, I don't know.
But what I'm saying is I'd like a reference that is practical not
philosophical...if that makes any sense.

Thanks for your posts--I have enjoyed them greatly.

BTW, I live in Hawaii, big island.


Secola  /\  Nieft