>Tom Billings
>are you getting sci-veg as e-mail, or via the archives?  If via e-mail,
>please provide subscription details if possible.
>I visited the sci-veg archives some time ago, and thought the list
>was defunct (dead) as the archives ended abruptly in late 96 or early
>97. Maybe I was looking at the wrong URL or something...

This url should work to subscribe to sci-veg e-mail, I just checked it out.

I do not believe the archives are currently available.  I remember a post a
few months ago stating some trouble with the archives and that they would
temporally be suspended.  Sci-veg is like most list on the internet, done
out of love for the subject without any revenue source.  Your right in that
the archives do end abruptly, but the list is alive and well.

Since I have you on the "line" Tom, I have recently finished reading the raw
food archives and would like to thank you and the others for all the great
work.  The archives are a wonderful source of knowledge and experience.  And
its kinda fun to know the history of the list.

Tom, you mentioned once you were working on a book. When the book is ready,
don't hesitate to shamelessly promote it.
Best Regards
Roy Siegel