Roy -

are you getting sci-veg as e-mail, or via the archives?  If via e-mail,
please provide subscription details if possible.

I visited the sci-veg archives some time ago, and thought the list
was defunct (dead) as the archives ended abruptly in late 96 or early
97. Maybe I was looking at the wrong URL or something...

I saw the material you mentioned in my earlier visit, regarding a hostile
fruitarian zealot proimoting crank science on sci-veg. The sci-veg
regulars asked for proof of the zealot's claims, and debunked the bad
logic/false claims of the zealot. The zealot was unable to supply
backing for his claims, and was removed from that list. That same
zealot was later expelled from veg-raw for intellectual dishonesty.
So, the pattern of false claims, hostility, intellectual dishonesty, and
crank science, seems to be a common pattern in the fruitarian community.

Tom Billings